Yesterday, was a beautiful Spring day, and I was out in an open field with my grandkids, niece, and nephew. The field was dotted with little buttercups. As the kids started to play with and pick them up, I said “Do you like butter?” Of course, they looked at me like I was crazy, I began to tell them that when I was their age – way before the technology boom ( meaning before the cell phone and iPad), we played outside. One of the games was called “Do you like butter?” We picked the buttercups and held them under our chins. If the light reflected yellow on our chin, then “Yes” we like butter. Come to find out that we all liked butter, because the light reflected on everyone, but it was silly and fun to do anyway. What a blast from the past. It was nice to share something so simple with the kids to today. Maybe they will share it with their friends.